What is the Patient Participation Group?
The Patient Participation Group aims to work towards improving and developing patient services.
The group is there to voice the views, needs and requirements of our patients, and to help influence positive change in the services provided by Hebden Bridge Group Practice.
The group comprises the volunteer members, the Practice Business Manager and other health professionals.
Join our Patient Participation Group
We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers for the group.
Please speak to our reception staff for further information or email ppg.hbgp@gmail.com.
If you have ideas or issues you would like to the group to discuss, you can also raise these via ppg.hbgp@gmail.com.
For any other issues, please contact the Practice on 01422 415777, via post to Hebden Bridge Group Practice, Valley Medical Centre, Valley Road, Hebden Bridge HX7 7BZ, or in person via reception.
Don’t forget we also have the Friends & Family Survey so that if you wish to contribute but cannot attend in person and do not have access to email you can still provide feedback and recommendations when you are at the practice.
Have your say!
Aims of the Patient Participation Group
The PPG aims to:
- act as an advisory group providing perspectives and concerns from patients that can influence how services operate at the Practice
- seek patients’ views and communicate general areas of patient concern to the Practice, with a view to influencing change
- act as a consultative group for significant changes at the Practice
- encourage and support the Practice in involving patients in their own care
- identify and publicise channels of communication between patients and the Practice
- be aware of comments received about the Practice
- periodically review patient survey results and suggest changes as appropriate
- facilitate links with voluntary groups and services within the community
- In partnership with the Practice, provide up-to-date material for any PPG noticeboard and the PPG pages on the Practice website.
- Maintain an awareness of plans and developments at national and regional level.
Benefits of having a Patient Participation Group
Good for patients who will:
- Take more responsibility for their own health
- Have a clearer understanding and knowledge of the practice and staff
- Benefit from improved communications with staff
- Have a forum to voice their concerns and suggest how to address these
Good for practice staff who will:
- Be able to plan services jointly with patients in order to make services more effective
- Be able to help patients with non-medical and social care issues
- Be able to get help from patients in meeting targets and objectives
- Have a forum to voice concerns, ideas and suggestions to patients
- Build stronger links with their community